
Tarochi 2-D Vtuber model

ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ ♡ TSUNDERE Voodoo Ninja Panda Doll x ENVtuber ♡
Software: Vtube Studio
Tracking: NVIDIA Broadcast

Vtuber MAMA

♡ Vtuber, Rigging, Tarochi sketch & Icon by Mama @Sophi3sDayDr3am ♡



♡ ʕ✿●ᴥ●ʔฅ Tarochi Panda is the name,
Boba Tea is the game. ♡
Please call me, Tarochi...
NOT JUST PANDA!!!ʕ;🔥`ᴥ🔥´ʔ
♡ I am a voodoo ninja panda doll.♡
Also if you give me bubble tea, you'll forever be my favourite Boba Bro ever.
If not then...
🔥PREPARE FOR MY WRATH!!!🔥♡ Me scared? Who? ♡ ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ


♡CLICK ON DONATE PANEL TO DONATE VIA STREAM LABS!!! ♡♡ Thank you for considering to donate to this chaotic boba loving panda. All donations mean alot to me.♡♡If you wish to donate, please check out my Throne wishlist, Ko-Fi, purchase you purchase a sub and gift too or using streamlabs to donate during my streams.♡Each time you donate, you will get a shoutout!♡ No refunds/ cashbacks on donations!!! Those who attempt to do this will be BANNED from all socials of Tarochi. ♡



© Tarochi_Panda2024